
February 16th

Flexible learning

By Sveinung Skule, Director of Skills Norway

What does research tell us about flexible education?

By Sabine Wollscheid, researcher at NIFU Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, research and education


The Innovative Aspect of Open Education

By Rob Farrow, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Educational Technology, Open University UK

Is there a Scandinavian model for MOOCs? Mapping the landscape of online learning.

By Cathrine TømteVito LaterzaRómulo M. Pinheiro & Aleksandar Avramovic, University of Agder

Conference Recordings February 16th

Opening address by Erna Solberg, the Prime Minister of Norway

Flexible learning

By Sveinung Skule, Director of Skills Norway

What does research tell us about flexible education?

By Sabine Wollscheid, researcher at NIFU Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, research and education

“How to lead and motivate for innovating in learning institutions for the future worklife”

By Dr. Neil Fassina, President of Athabasca University, Canada & President of ICDE


17. februar

En kunnskapsorganisasjon i bevegelse

v/ Arbeids- og velferdsdirektør Hans Christian Holte, NAV

Parallelle sesjoner

Netflix – en effektiv innholdsleverandør

v/Anders Tangen, Produsent av filmer for Netflix og førstelektor ved Westerdals

Konferanseopptak 17. februar

Arbeidsrelevansmeldingen – en underveisrapport om kommende Stortingsmelding

v/Tove Lyngra, prosjektleder Kunnskapsdepartementet

En kunnskapsorganisasjon i bevegelse

v/ Arbeids- og velferdsdirektør Hans Christian Holte, NAV