Call for papers and Call for contributions

The registration for submissions are now closed. Thank you to the many contributors from more than 30 countries and all continents!

The conference will be an international meeting place where those engaged in education can meet and discuss the development of lifelong learning in the future. Researchers and professionals in lifelong learning and ICT in education will exchange and share their research and knowledge with representatives from the industry, employers’ organisations and trade unions. EdTech providers will present their technologies and methodologies supporting lifelong learning. In this Call we invite papers from scholars undertaking research on lifelong learning. The call also invites contributions from professionals and experts representing the educational sector and public/private enterprises, along with government bodies, NGOs and policy makers. They are invited to share and discuss their experiences, knowledge and best practices within the field of lifelong learning.

At the Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference you are welcome to choose between submissions within the following conference formats:

  • Contribution (non-scientific) to a presentation
  • Scientific paper
  • Symposia
  • Other formats (workshops, panels, etc)

Conference topics

The session themes will be organised across the following three levels:

1. Authorities and transnational organisations (policy making)

  • Lifelong learning policies for sustainable health and wellbeing, education and inclusion, cities and communities
  • Developing innovative, high quality lifelong curricula
  • Local, national and transnational lifelong learning policies
  • Sharing resources, practices, recognition and accreditation across countries and programs
  • Post-pandemic lifelong learning policies – opportunities, challenges and dilemmas

2. Education sector and public/private enterprises (development and support)

  • Lifelong learning collaboration between employers, educators and learners
  • Technologies and infrastructure for access, inclusion and personalized learning paths
  • Lifelong learning in the digital age - learning analytics, privacy issues and cyber security
  • Raising the professional recognition of the credentials of lifelong learning educators
  • Innovative and creative jobs of the future
  • Best practices

3. Educators and learners (implementation; teaching and learning)

  • Best teaching and learning practices
  • Engaging, connecting and incentivizing the lifelong learner
  • Life-wide learning that connects cities, suburbs and rural areas
  • Creating inclusive cultures and meeting places for lifelong learning
  • Growing the identity and wellbeing of learners and educators
  • The future in lifelong learning – meeting spaces that are digital, face-to-face and hybrid
  • Increasing community engagement in lifelong learning

Important dates

Symposia deadline:

8 September 2022

Abstract submission deadline:

25 September 2022

Notification of acceptance:

12 October 2022

Conference dates:

15 - 17 February 2023

Guidelines and registration

Guidelines for proposals for paper sessions, symposia and other conference formats

At the Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference you are welcome to choose between submissions within the following conference formats:

  • Contribution (non-scientific) to a presentation
  • Scientific paper
  • Symposia
  • Other formats


Conference formats

Contribution (non-scientific) to a presentation & Scientific paper

Contributions (non-scientific) and scientific papers will be presented in a parallel session or symposia. Time frame of each presentation is 20 minutes including discussion. Four different presentations will be presented in each parallel session. A conference attendee will be limited to present a maximum of one contribution at the conference.


Contributions (non-scientific)

An abstract proposal for a presentation must have a maximum of 350 words and indicate the following:

  • The topic and aim of the project/study programme
  • Main focus of the presentation
  • The target group
  • Link to project/product (when available)

In addition, you will be asked to register:

  • Title of the presentation
  • Author(s) of proposal and contact information
  • Attachment to one of the suggested session themes

Scientific papers

An abstract proposal for a paper presentation must have a maximum of 350 words and indicate the following:

  • Research topic/aim
  • Theoretical and methodology framework
  • (Expected) conclusions/findings

In addition, you will be asked to register:

  • Title of paper
  • Author(s) of proposal and contact information
  • Attachment to one of the suggested session themes


A symposium session builds on a theme and is proposed and planned by a symposium organiser. The papers focus on a common theme. A symposium has a chair (often the organiser) and often discussants. The symposium organiser will decide how the symposium is to be organised and the time allotment for each presentation. The organiser of the symposium submits a proposal (as organiser’s text) by September 8. with a plan for the symposium including:

  1. The title of the symposium,
  2. An abstract describing the entire symposium (Max 200 words),
  3. The names of the contributors and titles of their presentations

NOTICE: The organizers will review the symposia and notify the review by September 10. Then the proposers of accepted symposia can invite presenters via the Oxford Abstracts platform to submit their abstract to the symposia by September 25.

Other conference formats:

The organisers welcome other formats as well, like a roundtable session, panels, workshops or other formats. This should be registered as “other formats” and clearly describe:

  • The title
  • An abstract including the topic, aim of the session, the format and its content
  • The names of the contributors

For more information:

Associate Professor Brit Svoen:

Project Manager Per Eriksson:
