
Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference 2023 will cover a broad aspect of topics related to lifelong learning key issues, trends, and best practices on three levels:

Authorities and transnational organisations (policy making)

Education sector and public/private enterprises (development and support)

Educators and learners (implementation; teaching and learning)

Lifewide learning

Learning taking place in formal, informal and non-formal contexts

Learning spaces and learning places

F2F and online meeting places for formal and informal learning

OER – Open Educational Resources

Benefits acquired from the rich repositories of free learning resources

The digital transformation

The role of lifelong learning in the digital shift

The demand and supply gap

How can the educational sector be work relevant and meet the changing competence needs in businesses and organisations?

Workplace- and practice-oriented learning

Various forms and approaches relating to work-based learning practices

Wellbeing and social inclusion

Promoting participation in society and the quality of life through education and decent work conditions

Teaching and learning practices

Best practice


AI assisted learning (AIAL)

Using AI in competence building, simulations and problem solving

Learning design and methods

Pedagogical approaches within Lifelong learning environments

Career guidance for lifelong employability

Lifelong guidance supporting career development and careers guidance systems

Quality in education

Appropriate and relevant learning methods promoting and ensuring quality


European and global trends and possible impacts on lifelong learning

Online assessment

Challenges, practices and new developments


Lifelong learning for sustainable development

Consequences of Covid-19

Post-pandemic recovery and new opportunities

Meeting places

Facilitating for regional, national, and transnational strategies for supporting employability

Communities for learning

Increasing community engagement in lifelong learning

Upskill and reskill

Strategies and implementation of continuing competence building and retraining to remain, or become, employable

Digital storytelling and narratives

Exploring digital stories as a tool for learning

Inclusive learning

Approaching learning and education regardless of the learner’s background, identity, needs and abilities


Value creation processes and skills development for new jobs

Senior lifelong learners

Lifelong learning as a means for personal growth and

employment for seniors

Agile learning processes

Agile learning strategies and practices for sharing knowledge aimed at sustainable careers and innovation

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AVR) Training Solutions

Immersive and lifelong learning using AR and VR

Dropouts from education and workforce

Preventing people from leaving education and employment, and thus taking care of both individuals and valuable employees

Visual media and gaming

Audiovisual and interactive media as an increasing part of education and work

Learning analytics

How Big Data and algorithms impact learning and contribute to knowledge and quality of education

The past, presence and future of lifelong learning

Lifelong learning as a concept has a long and significant history which impacts the future


Practices of learning collaboration between educators and enterprises

Main theme: Lifelong learning for lifelong employability

In a post-pandemic time, learning places and learning spaces need to be re-visited, re-thought and re-invented. An inclusive and sustainable working life requires adaptation and new skills, and this need has been further strengthened through the digital and green shift. Not least, two years of pandemic have changed the working life for many. We have a society where geographical distances have become less important, and where increased use and acceptance of digital technology has created more flexible workplaces. At the same time, the differences between different groups of employees have increased. We are facing an increasing digital divide, not only between employees with on-site work and those with hybrid or remote work, but also in the increasing absence of natural socialising spaces. There is a demand for re-inventing physical and online meeting places for formal and informal learning. Resilient education for the future embraces more than ever not only life-span aspects, but also life-wide, contextual dimensions. This poses also new challenges to work towards UN Sustainable Development goals, and in particular No. 4: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.”

The three-day conference constitutes in itself a meeting place between education, business, and the public sector, and will address lifelong learning key issues, trends and best practices on three levels and possible sub-themes:


Authorities and transnational organisations (policy making)

  • Lifelong learning policies for sustainable health and wellbeing, education and inclusion, cities and communities
  • Developing innovative, high quality lifelong curricula
  • Local, national and transnational lifelong learning policies
  • Sharing resources, practices, recognition and accreditation across countries and programs
  • Post-pandemic lifelong learning policies – opportunities, challenges and dilemmas


Education sector and public/private enterprises (development and support)

  • Lifelong learning collaboration between employers, educators and learners
  • Technologies and infrastructure for access, inclusion and personalized learning paths
  • Lifelong learning in the digital age – learning analytics, privacy issues and cyber security
  • Raising the professional recognition of the credentials of lifelong learning educators
  • Innovative and creative jobs of the future
  • Best practices


Educators and learners (implementation; teaching and learning)

  • Best teaching and learning practices
  • Engaging, connecting and incentivizing the lifelong learner
  • Life-wide learning that connects cities, suburbs and rural areas
  • Creating inclusive cultures and meeting places for lifelong learning
  • Growing the identity and wellbeing of learners and educators
  • The future in lifelong learning – meeting spaces that are digital, face-to-face and hybrid
  • Increasing community engagement in lifelong learning



Mette Villand

Chair Organising Committee and member of Programme committee

Head of Centre for Lifelong Learning HHS

INN University

Brit Svoen

Chair Programme Committee

Member of Organising Committee and Scientific Committee

Associate Professor

Centre for Lifelong Learning HHS

INN University

Torunn Gjelsvik

Member of Programme Committee and Organising Committee

Secretary General

International Council for Open and Distance Education - ICDE

Per Eriksson

Conference Project Manager, CMP

Member of Programme Committee and Organising Committee

Centre for Lifelong Learning HHS

INN University

Neil Fassina

Conference Chair and member of Programme Committee

ICDE President

President Okanagan College

Kathinka Blichfeldt

Conference Chair and member of Programme Committee

Deputy Head and Process Supervisor of Centre for Lifelong Learning LUP

INN University

Melinda Bandalaria

Programme Committee

ICDE Board Member

Chancellor University of the Philippines Open University

Lillian Gran

Programme Committee and 

Co-chair Scientific Committee

Associate Professor

Department for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

INN University

Stephen Dobson

Co-chair Scientific Committee

Professor and Dean of the School of Education and the Arts

CQUniversity and Professor 2 at

INN University

Anna Fredriksen

Conference Marketing and Communication

Communication and Administration Adviser

International Council for Open and Distance Education - ICDE

Malin Sjursen Wulvik

Conference Marketing and Communication/exhibition

INN University

Lars Teppan Johansen

Art Director

Centre for Lifelong Learning HHS

INN University